DWA Publications - Set of Rules, Software, Books, PR-Brochures

New Translations/Publications

New Translations of DWA Publications

Standard DWA-A 216 - Energy check a Energetická analýza – nástroje energetické optimalizace zařízení pro nakládání s odpadními vodami - December 2015

Standard DWA-A 131E - Dimensioning of Single-stage Activated Sludge Plants - June 2016 (translation May 2022)

Poster "How a wastewater treatment plant works"

Modular Wastewater Training System - International Edition with 63 magnetic picture cards

Fit in wastewater technology? Revised Edition June 2021

Activated Sludge Expert with Aeration - Software based on Standard DWA-A 131 (January 2016) "Bemessung von einstufigen Belebungsanlagen" - Edition 3. X

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Results 661 - 666 of 808 for

DWA-Topics - Anthropogenic Pollutants (5/2008)

DWA-Topics - Anthropogenic Trace Pollutants in the Water Cycle, Pharmaceuticals - May 2008

DWA-T´ópico - Modelo de instrucciones de operación

DWA-Tópico - Modelo de instrucciones de operación para el personal de pequeñas plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales

Statics-Expert Standard

Statics-Expert - Standard-Edition - incl. 12 month Softwaresupport (Service Level: "Online-Only")

Statik-Expert Professional

Statik-Expert - Profi-Edition - incl. 12 Monate Softwarepflege (Service Level: "Online-Only")

SBS Betriebstagebuch Wasserwerke

Software Hirthammer SBS Betriebstagebuch für Wasserwerke NG - Standardversion

SBS Betriebstagebuch Wasserwerke

Software Hirthammer SBS Betriebstagebuch für Wasserwerke NG - Profiversion