Junge DWA

Regulars' tables

Networking young professionals, exchange knowledge and socialize.
Find the regulars' table that suits you!

Info material DWA graphic

Invitations and information

Dates and invitations are sent to personal JDWA members via member information (circular email), the JDWA member area (DWAdirekt) and Rocket.Chat.

You are not a personal member yet? No problem! Stay up to date with our public information channels LinkedIn #Stammtisch #JDWA and Instagram @jungedwa.

Circle Stammtische

Regional regulars' tabl

Junge DWA offers Germany-wide regional regulars' tables, which are organized locally by their regulars' table leaders. In addition to regional networking, the meetings also focus on knowledge acquisition through excursions and introductions to various regional water management stakeholders.

Generally, regulars' tables take place within a 30 km radius of the location. A few regulars' tables offer field trips to more distant locations. You can see which locations are available from the map below.

Our regulars' tables throughout Germany

Stammtisch Aachen

Sonja Winandi

Stammtisch Berlin

Anke Soppert

Stammtisch Braunschweig / Hannover

Felix Altmann
Susanne Busche

Stammtisch Darmstadt

Janine Schmirmund
Pia Hübener

Stammtisch Dresden

Laura Kämpffe

Stammtisch Essen

Mareike Kolkmann
Daniel Mertens

Stammtisch Frankfurt a.M.

Christian Borgen

Stammtisch Freiburg

Andres Lucht

Stammtisch Gießen

Marc Franke

Stammtisch Karlsruhe

Jens Jensen

Stammtisch Kassel

Miriam Thelen
Tobias Herbst

Stammtisch Koblenz

Sabrina Quanz

Stammtisch Köln

Luisa Frackenpohl

Stammtisch Leipzig

Helene Freihube
Jonas Schneider

Stammtisch Magdeburg

Tobias Langkau

Stammtisch München

Thorsten Fillip

Stammtisch Nord

Kirstin Diercks

Stammtisch Nürnberg

Lukas Kohl

Stammtisch Rhein-Neckar

Andreas Keth

Stammtisch Stuttgart

Maximiliane Kühl

Stammtisch Thüringen

Robert Köllner
Larissa von Marschall

Stammtisch Würzburg

Yul Röschert

Circle Stammtische

Info evening

Get to know us!

Are you new to the Junge DWA or do you have questions about the Junge DWA? Everyone is cordially invited to attend the next meeting! An active member of the Junge DWA will present the activities of the Junge DWA in the association. Questions are expressly encouraged.

There will be insights into:

  • Offers of the Young DWA
  • Communication of the Young DWA
  • Taster opportunities
  • Opportunities to get involved


Current dates you can find here.

Circle Betriebspersonal

Company Staff Regulars' Table

The format is currently being revised. There are currently no regulars’ tables.

Circle Stammtische

Thematic regulars' table

The thematic regulars' table serves as a platform for professional exchange. Here, experts provide insights into problems, developments and innovations in technically relevant subject areas. In addition, representatives of the main committees and technical committees present the work of the technical committees in order to simplify access to committee work for young DWA members. They take place every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7 pm.

You can find all the next dates in the half-year program..

Current dates you can find here.

Anne-Sophie Fölster und Jens Jensen

Building Bridges

At Building Bridges, experts and young professionals from a wide range of nationalities meet and exchange views on relevant technical topics through presentations and discussions. The bilateral dialogue event series is organized by representatives of the Young DWA and Young Water Professional IWA Germany and Young Professional VSA.

Each event takes place with different partner countries. The aim is to get to know each other and discuss experiences from specialist topics that play a role across national borders.

Reports from past meetings