Range of Topics

As a technical and scientific association the DWA deals with all issues concerning wastewater treatment, water- and soil protection as well as waste management. The main issues are therefore the DWA Rules and Standards and professional training on the above mentioned topics. 

Technical standards are an important factor in efficaciously and economically protecting the environment and material goods and in promoting quality assurance.

Anthropogenic Trace Pollutants

Anthropogenic trace pollutants can cause difficulties in water bodies. This is especially true for persistent organic pollutants with eco- or human-toxicological properties which are well dissolvable in water. The knowledge of degradation products and mixtures of substances is still insufficient. Several expert groups of DWA are involved in the discussion of anthropogenic trace pollutants in water cycle. The work is coordinated by a steering group, in which all affected main committees of DWA are represented.

Related Publication:

DWA-Topics "Anthropogenic Trace Pollutants in the Water Cycle - Pharmaceuticals" 

Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment makes a significant contribution to environmental protection and pollution control of our water bodies. The rules and standards of DWA ensure that waste water treatment plants are built, dimensioned and operated in a way, that they reliably meet the legal requirements. This includes also the selection of solutions, which are tailored to the individual case. In rural areas, there have to be considered other criteria than in urban areas. Against the background of demographic and climate change, the consideration tends towards more flexible solutions. New sanitary systems (NASS) may be one option. DWA already tackles with the problem.